Eduard Winkler Abbildungen Sämmtlicher Arzneigewachse 1832

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Salix fragilis
WIK88 $35
Populus nigra
WIK89 $45
Salix alba
WIK90 $35
Larix europaea
WIK94 $45
Abies excelsa
Abies pectinata
WIK96 $45
Pinus sylvestris
WIK97 $45
Fraxinus excelsior
WIK98 $45
Nephrodium Filix
WIK115 $45
Tilia pauciflora
WIK100 $45
Betula alba
WIK91 $45
Tilia vulgaris
WIK102 $45
Evonymus europaeus
WIK103 $45
Ulmus campestris
WIK104 $45
Ulmus effusa
WIK105 $45
Datura stramonium
WIK122 $45
Coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara
WIK107 $45
Vaccinium vitis idaea
Pyrola rotundifolia
WIK109 $35
Veratrum album
WIK110 $45
Menyanthes trifoliata
WIK111 $35
Sand sedge grass, Carex arenaria
WIK112 $35
Lolium temulentum
WIK113 $35
Triticum repens
WIK114 $35
Deadly nightshade, Solanum nigrum
WIK118 $45
Valerian Officinalis
WIK129 $45
Red night shade, Solanum dulcamara
WIK120 $45
Water hemlock, Cicuta virosa
WIK130 $35
Tussilago petasites
WIK131 $35
Viscum album, Mistletoe
WIK132 $45
Daucus carota
WIK133 $45
Hemlock, Conium maculatum
WIK134 $45
Peucedanum oreoselinum & officinale
WIK135 $45
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Eduard Winker Abbildungen Sämmtlicher Arzneigewachse

Abbildungen Sämmtlicher Arzneigewachse Deutschlands was published in Leipzig during the years 1832-34 by Dr. Eduard Winkler (1799-1862), a German botanist, scholar and teacher.

It is a beautiful work encompassing a comprehensive study of flora with pharmaceutical properties, particularly plants found in Germany. It represented a self study for students of botany, medicine and pharmacy as well as homeopathic practitioners. It was published over the period in association with the “Magazine fur Industrie and Literatur.”

The prints are on light creamy, wove J Whatman paper with watermarks on a number of prints. They are strong impressions, with beautiful, original hand-coloring and plate marks showing well on three sides with some trimmed to the platemark on the top of the print which does not detract from the quality of the image and would easily frame out. Each print measures 7 5/8 x 9 3/4 inches.

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