1768 Philip Miller Gardens Dictionary Botanical Prints

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Corona Imperialis flore pulchre luteo
Reg. Price: $235
Sale Price: $135
Amaryllis spatha multiflora corollis campanulatis equalibus genitalibus declinatis
Reg. Price: $245
Sale Price: $145
Ferraria foliis lanceolatis
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
African Blue Lily,
Blue is slightly brighter than shown

Reg. Price: $245
Sale Price: $145
Shooting Star, Meadia
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $105
Alcea, Hollyhock
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Arctotis ramis decumbentibus foliis lineari lanceolatus rigidis
lubtus argenteis flore magno aureo, pediculo longissimo
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Caprifolium germanicum flore rubello serotinum
Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Gladiolus foliis ensiformibus, floribus majoribus distantibus
Gladiolus foliis linearibus, floribus distantibus, corollarum tubo limbis longiore
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $115
Lilium foliis verticillatis brevibus, corollis capmanlatis,
unguibus petalorum angustioribus, floribus erectis
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Helleborine Americanum
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $115
Antholyza Folus
PML125t Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Rudbeckia foliis lanceolata-ovatis alternis indivisis, petalis radii integris
Coreopsis foliis linearibus integerrimis
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $115
Othona foliis cuneiformibus, integerrium sessilibus, caule fruticoso procumbente, pendunculis longissimis, foliis lanceolatis integerrimis
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Osteospermum foliis lanceolatis acute dentatis, caule fruticoso
Othonna foliis pinnatisidis, lacinus linearibus paralleliso
Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Doronicum foliis cordatis obtusis, radicalibus petiolatis, caulinis amplexicaulibus
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Oenothera foliis lanceolatis dentatis, caule
Oenothera foliis ovato-lanceolatis planis
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $115
Aster carolinianus pilosus conyzoe coeruleae foliis, floribus luteis quasi umbellatium dispositis, Americanus procumbens bellidis minoris facie, by Ehret
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $115
Verbascum foliis radicalibus ovatis petiolatis, caulinis oblongis sessilibus subtus tomentosis serratis Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $215
Sale Price: $125
Bidens, Calyce oblongo
Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Hypericum floribus trigynis, calycibus acutis,
staminibus corolla brevioribus, caule fruticoso
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Buphthalmum Creticum
Reg. Price: $195
Sale Price: $95
Tiger's Claw, Martynia caule ramoso foliis cordato-ovatis pilosis
Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Tomato, Solanum cauleinermi subfruticoso, foliis oblongo-ovatis
sinuatis utrinque glabris, floribus alaribus
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Hyoscyamus major, Henbane, Nightshade Family, Poison
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Ricinus foliis peltatis, capsulis rugosis non echinatis, Castor Bean, Poison
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Mandrake, Mandragora Poison
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Poke Weed, Phytolacca Poison
Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence

Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
PML8t Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price: $225
Sale Price: $125
Ixia Foliis
Watermark For Country & Liberty used in Thomas Jefferson's
Rough Draft of Declaration of Independence
Reg. Price:$225
Sale Price: $125
Buglossum PML64t
Reg. Price: $
Sale Price: $95
Buglossum PML47t
Reg. Price: $
Sale Price: $95
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1768 Philip Miller Gardens Dictionary Botanical Prints

Philip Miller was considered the greatest gardener of his day. He was a member of the Society of Gardeners, founded in 1724, consisting of about 20 members, all luminaries of the horticultural world who named newly introduced plants, among other duties. When the foundation decided to publish an illustrated survey of these new plants, the task fell to Phillip Miller in 1724. The book was named the Gardeners Dictionary and was a very important horticultural milestone widely used for over 100 years. It became the forerunner of later Gardening Dictionaries. In 1775, Miller first published Figures of the Most Beautiful Plants Described in the Gardeners Dictionary. Among the illustrators were John Miller, Richard Lancake, and the renowned Georg Ehret, who married Miller’s sister in law.

We are offering prints from the original German edition Abbildungen der nützlichsten, schönsten und seltensten Pflanzen welche in seinem Gärtner-Lexicon vorkommen published in Nürnberg: Winterschmidt, 1768-1782. The watermarks in this work are a study in history with an intricate connection to the Declaration of Independence. There are four distinct, strong watermarks on this paper of Dutch origin, two of which are remarkable. The first is the watermark J Honig & Zoonen. Paper similar to this, from the same time, bearing the same watermark was used to issue the priceless broadsides made by John Dunlap, official printer to the Congress 1776. Most of the 24 known copies are in public institutions, but one found at a flea market in Adamstown, PA for $4 sold at auction for $2.42 million in 1990.

Thomas Jefferson himself penned his “Rough Draft” of the Declaration on Dutch paper bearing the watermark of a lion in an oval boarder with the letters Pro Patria Eiusque Libertate, or For Country and Her Liberty! This watermark is also well represented in our selection, and we will note each sheet. Thus, our buyers can obtain not only a fine antique print, but a part of the history of the United States!

Philip Miller Watermark

The prints are rare, hand colored copper plate engravings in excellent condition. They are folio size, measuring approximately 10 inches by 15 ½ inches. The paper is a superb, heavy chain lined antique white paper with very little foxing or other defects. As is our custom, we have presented the top prints from the issue for our discriminating collectors. ALL our prints are original antiques, and these are guaranteed to be the stated age of almost 250 years old. Enjoy!

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