P.J. Buchoz Herbier Artificiel Antique Engravings 1783

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P.J. Buchoz Herbier Artificiel Engravings 1783

Born in Metz (France) in 1731, Buchoz was a physician and lawyer by training, as well as a passionate naturalist. He was physician to many prominent individuals, including the King of Poland, the brother of the King of France & the Duke of Artois. He was an enthusiastic and prolific publisher of botanical works including Herbrier Artificiel, Histoire du Regne Vegetal, Histoire Universelle, Le Jardin d’Eden & Collections Precieuse et Eluminees des Fleurs. Early on, he recognized the significance of Japanese & Chinese drawing techniques, and was the first to publish drawings by Asian artists, a good century before the passion for the Orient overtook Europe.

It is from Herbier Artificiel that we are pleased to offer a selection of original engravings, in the characteristic exotic style so distinctive of Buchoz. These prints are all ORIGINAL copper engravings from 1783. Each print measures approximately 10 inches by 15 1/4 inches.

The condition of the plates is excellent, with the paper being a fine, watermarked chain lined type with strong plate marks. There are few fox marks or other blemishes and the paper is a creamy white. A copy of the title page will be included with each print. These prints are more than 225 years old.

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