Ryusei, or Yoshimi, Okamoto was born in Muroran, a
seaside town in Japan's wild north in 1949. As a
teenager, he worked in a local fishery, later studying
marine biology at Nihon University.
He became interested in woodblock prints early on.
After graduation, he turned to print making and was
fortunate to study with the great Shin Hanga print maker
Toshi Yoshida for 10 years starting in 1974. When
Yoshida was unable to travel in 1980, Ryusei replace him
as an art teacher at Mendocino Art Center in California.
Yoshida considered Ryusei one of the best Japanese
woodblock print makers of his generation, embracing the
traditional Japanese methods.
He has exhibited and won awards worldwide including
in Denmark, Greece, Italy, Turkey and Japan. He
carves and prints the wooden blocks himself, using
traditional pigments as well as acrylics and oils on
Japanese Washi papers. Today he lives and works in
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, where the walls of his studio are
hung with his works