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Caa-Tou-See, Ojibway MH11 $145
Each print measures approximately 7 inches wide by 10 3/4 inches long
We are honored to present prints from this very
famous work "The History of the Indian Tribes of North
America with biographical Sketches and anecdotes of the
Principal Chiefs" by Thomas McKenney & James Hall,
1865 Rice Rutter & Co.
Thomas McKenney was appointed first Superintendent of
Indian Trade in 1816 by President James Madison. During
this time he commissioned the artist Charles Bird King
to paint original portraits of the Indian chiefs as they
came to Washington DC to negotiate peace treaties. Many
gifts were offered to the visiting chiefs, among them
highly prized medals, which some of the chiefs,
including the Seneca chief, Red Jacket, wore while
posing for their portraits. The originals portraits hung
in the Smithsonian until all but 5 were destroyed by
fire in 1865. Fortunately, they were not lost to
posterity as Mckenney had been secretly smuggling each
portrait from the Smithsonian to be copied by Henry
Inman, and then returned.
During his tenure as Superintendent of Indian affairs,
Thomas Mckenney became increasingly interested in the
history & cultures of the Indian tribes.
Early on, he was concerned with creating a historical
record of these rapidly disappearing nations. In 1839,
when he was dismissed from the government, he pursued
this goal, joined by James Hall, a lawyer who had
written extensively about the west. They tried without
success to enlist the participation of Caitlin in the
The result was the superb "History of the Indian Tribes
of North America", first published in folio size in
1837-1844, with 120 portraits after the originals by
Charles Bird King. McKenney provided the biographies
accompanying each portrait, many based on personal
interviews, and Hall wrote the general history of the
North American Indian. It was to be a one of the most
important ethnographic works ever produced.
Unfortunately, it was also one of the most costly & the
widespread acclaim it received did not generate
financial success for its authors. The octavo version
was produced in several issues to be both more
affordable & profitable, but was not of great assistance
& McKenney died without the knowledge that his work
would come to be considered one of the most important
and enduring American works of all time.
The prints in this collection come from the final
editions, produced by Rice Rutter & Co. Rice had taken over
the project in the 1840s and made significant
improvements to the 1865 edition.
Each print is on strong,
slightly creamy paper with vivid hand coloring. There is no text offset
or foxing & each print measures approximately 7 inches wide by 10
3/4 inches long. The original text & a copy of the title
page accompanies each print whenever available. To look
on these superb portraits, with the brilliant depictions
of these magnificent chiefs is a powerful bridge to this
bygone era and a poignant reminder of all that has been
We accept credit cards & PayPal. Florida state residents pay Florida state sales tax. Shipping for this item is $12.95. Items can be combined to save on postage. International shipping starts at $40, but may be more depending on the size of the prints and the country. Buyers are responsible for all customs duties. Our environment is smoke free. We pack professionally using only new materials. All items are beautifully wrapped and suitable for sending directly as gifts. You may return any item within 14 days if not satisfied. To order, you may call us at 1-888-PANTEEK, or send email to panteek@aol.com
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