George Edwards Seligmann Animal Kingdom 1768 Prints

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Porcupine. Hystrix Canadensis
EDS298 $105
Sale Price: $55
Water Buffalo. Bubalus minor Orientalis
EDS295 $115
Sale Price: $65
Wolverine. Ursulus lupo affinis Americanus
EDS299  $115
Sale Price: $65
Marmota Americanus
EDS300  $115
Sale Price: $65
Lacertus major cinereus
EDS296 $145
Sale Price: $95
Mongoose. Ichneumon Orientalis
EDS297  $105
Sale Price: $55
Gattorugina indicus
EDS252 $135
Sale Price: $85
Elephant, Rhinoceros
EDS253 $165
Sale Price: $115
Piscis paradisaea, Grasshopper
EDS254 $135
Sale Price: $85
Cyprini domestici
EDS255 $135
Sale Price: $85
Myrmecophaga minor
EDS266 $135
Sale Price: $85
Piscis vespertilio, Acarauna maculata
EDS257 $135
Sale Price: $85
Tortoise or Turtle, Testudo marinus,
foetus nuper ex ovo exlusus
EDS261 $145
Sale Price: $95
Tortoise or Turtle, Testudo tessellata minor Africana,
Lacertus minor, cinereus maculatus Asiaticus
EDS260 $145
Sale Price: $95
Tortoise or Turtle, Testudo parva lutosa
EDS263 $145
Sale Price: $95
Sorbus maxima pomifera
EDS267 $145
Sale Price: $95
Motacilla lutea, Insectum indiae occidentalis, Folium ambulans dictum
EDS268 $135
Sale Price: $85
Fish, Pisciculus cornutus, Scorpius marinus
EDS292 $115
Sale Price: $65
Lacertus major viridis coeruleo maculatus occidentalis
EDS270 $135
Sale Price: $85
Ispida minor viridi aurantioque
Lacerta coerulea ex insula
EDS271 $135
Sale Price: $85
Butterfly aand Snake
Seprens dilute fuscus, Barbadensis biceps
EDS272 $145
Sale Price: $95
Pica minor Bengalensis
Sciurus minor striatus Carolinesis
EDS273 $145
Sale Price: $95
Urogallus minor Canadensis
Astragalus caulescens
EDS274 $145
Sale Price: $95
Whimbrel and Coral
Arquata minor Whimbrel, Muscus papyraceus
EDS291 $145
Sale Price: $95
Shark, Catulus major piscis
EDS276 $115
Sale Price: $65
Flying Fish, Remora
Hirundo marina, Remora piscis
EDS277 $135
Sale Price: $85
Sharks, Stick Insect
Galeus acanthias, Insectum virgultum ambulans dictum
EDS278 $135
Sale Price: $85
Quail, Coturnix Chinensis
Lacerta ex insula Sarnia
EDS282 $145
Sale Price: $95
Talpa maculata
EDS280 $135
Sale Price: $85
Passer indicius fuscus
EDS281 $135
Sale Price: $85
Crab, Coral, Balanus ceti cum Polypis, Limax marinus, Cancer hirsutus, Coralalina halecum
EDS285 $115
Sale Price: $65
Hornbill, Rostra quatuor curiosa Avium
EDS286 $115
Sale Price: $65
Cricket, Cockroach,
Blatta maxima, Insectum fistula dictum
EDS287 $115
Sale Price: $65
Rail, Rallus aquaticus Americanus
EDS288 $135
Sale Price: $85
Avis arctica foemina
EDS289 $135
Sale Price: $85
Ardea stellaris parva fusca
EDS290 $145
Sale Price: $95

Please click on each image to enlarge and for prices

George Edwards Seligmann Animal Kingdom 1768 Prints

George Edwards was an English draughtsman and a skilled observer of birds and one of the most prominent ornithologists of his day. He worked as Librarian to the Royal College of Physicians, where he was later elected a fellow, and was honored with the Gold Medal of the Royal Society. As the Librarian to the Royal College of Physicians, he oversaw a library of 8,000 volumes. The small honorarium he received for this post liberated him to pursue his ornithological studies and drawings. He died in West Ham, which was also his birthplace, in 1773.

Natural History and Gleanings was illustrated for the first time many foreign species often drawn from live specimens held in captivity in London. Edwards etched his own plates and then hand colored several copies before supervising others in the coloring. The result is a work of superb skill and breathtaking color that remains ever popular and is now increasingly rare. Such was the impact of Natural History and Gleanings, that Edwards is considered to have almost single-handedly popularized the art of bird and animal illustration, and is thus known as "The Father of British Ornithology."

In 1749-1776, Johann Michael Seligmann, a German engraver re-engraved these George Edwards plates, as well as many by Mark Catesby plates for the "Sammlung Verschiedener Auslandischer un Seltener Vogel" published in Nurenberg. In some cases, botanical and scenic backgrounds were added for superb decorative effect.

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