John James Audubon (1785-1851)
worked on the monumental Birds of America
from 1827-1838, illustrating and editing one of the
largest and most expensive bird books in the world.
Audubon used the finest of specimens and all types of
media including oil crayon, pastel watercolors, ink
& gouache to stunning effect. His genius was in his
intimate knowledge of the world of birds and their
surroundings gained from a lifetime of observation
in the field, and the ability to translate this
vision into a publication that has never been
equaled in the world of ornithology. Audubon's
superb works on bird and quadrupeds have come to signify a love of all wild creatures &
the environment, epitomized today by the Audubon
Society and immortalized worldwide in publications
and the stamps of over 60 countries. In the words
of the Audubon Society, perhaps above all
else, Audubon was a lover and observer of birds and
We are pleased to offer hand colored prints from
the last edition of the most accessible of all the
Audubon works, the quarto Birds of America,
published by George R. Lockwood in 1871. This
edition was produced by the firm which took over the
lithographic stones from the
Audubons following their bankruptcy and is in
itself quite rare. The later editions differ from the first quarto
edition in that there are added color printed
backgrounds. The birds and foliage remain hand
colored as in the first edition. The prints are in
wonderful condition on heavy wove paper with vibrant hand coloring. Each print
measures approximately 10 1/4 inches by 6 1/2 inches,
with binding edge preserved intact. |